Monday, 10/26--(I have Jury Duty!)
*Complete worksheet 2.4
*Assignment: page 137-140 #41-59 odd, 67, 83, 85
Tuesday, 10/27--No Class (GHSGT Checkpoint Test)
Wednesday, 10/28--AP Exam Practice Questions
*Please bring the worksheet received on 10/16 with the Free Response Questions
*Complete the worksheet with sample multiple choice items
Thursday & Friday, 10/29-30--Wrap Up & Clean Up Sect 2.4
*Begin preparing for a Mid-Chapter test--Sections 2.1-2.4 (Monday)
Monday, 11/2--Mini Test 2.1-2.4
*All assignments for section 2.4 are due today
*Non-calculator test!!!
Be able to:
1. Find the derivative using the limit process
2. Find the slope of a line at a point
3. Find the derivative of a function using the rules for derivatives
4. Determine the points at which the graph has horizontal tangents
5. Apply derivatives to position, velocity, and acceleration problems
6. Use the product rule and quotient rules to differentiate functions
7. Find higher-order derivatives
8. Find the derivative of composition functions using the chain rule
Tuesday, 11/3--Sec 2.5 Intro--Implicit Differentiation
*Notetaking Guide & Examples
*Assignment: page 146-148 #1-19 odd