Monday, 11/2--Mini Test 2.1-2.4
*All assignments for section 2.4 are due today
*Non-calculator test!!!
*Homework--put final touches on the 1985 AP Practice Exam MC section you received Wednesday 10/28 (submit on 11/3)
Tuesday, 11/3--Sec 2.5 Intro--Implicit Differentiation
*Submit Practice AP MC Exam (1985)
Section 2.5 Essential Question: How can you take a derivative if y is in the problem more than once? What does it mean that the relationship between x and y is implied rather than explicitly stated?
Section 2.5 Objectives: Differentiate implicitly defined functions
*Notetaking Guide & Examples
*Assignment: page 146-148 #1-19 odd
Wednesday, 11/4--Sec 2.5 cont'd
*Assignment: page 146-148 #4, 6, 10, 18, 20, 25, 27, 29, 31
Thursday, 11/5--Sec 2.5 Cont'd
*Assignment: page 146-148 #45-50 all; 57, 58;
Friday, 11/6--Sec 2.5 Wrap Up
*Assignment: worksheet 2.5
Study for quiz on 2.5 (Monday 11/9)