Monday, 9/14--
*Submit the chapter 1 review sheet
*Submit Sec 1.3 Limits worksheet
*Chapter 1 test
Tuesday, 9/15--
*Practice with limits!!!
*NAG Limit Calculator Lab
*Continuity worksheet
*Review of Limits matching worksheet
Wednesday, 9/16--EARLY RELEASE
*Chapter 1 test revisited
*Review of Trigonometry--
Essential Question: How can I identify and apply properties of trigonometric functions?
Objectives: Review of unit circle trigonometry, graphing trigonometric functions, and
solving trigonometric equations
*Assignment: Appendix D, page D25-27 #1-21 odd
Thursday, 9/17--
*Review of Trigonometry continued...use even numbered problems from D25-D26 as examples
Friday, 9/18--
*Review of Trigonometry--solving trig equations
*Assignment: Appendix D, page D25-D27 #27-45 odd
*Assignment: Trigonometry Review worksheet due Monday 9/21