*Chapter P tests returned with answer key; use the key to review your test to see what simple errors you could have avoided; if there are larger issues that you have with a concept, please join me on Wednesday morning or afternoon for extra help
*Begin section 1.2; since we're having technical difficulties with the internet, you may want to view the videos from home that I've been trying to show for the past 2 classes; the links are below:
Please take time to view all three videos. They are great! (and I'm not just saying that because I love math!!!)
*Wrap up section 1.2; do problems 9-28 on page 55 (must be submitted by Friday)
*Section 1.3--finding limits algebraically
*Limits worksheet #1 (blue paper)--due Thursday
*Limits wksh on tables--due Friday
*Section 1.3 continued
*Assignment page 67 #5-25 odd, 27-36 all, 45 - 77 odd--due Tuesday, Sept. 8
Quiz--Sec 1.2-1.3
An unexpected fire drill halted our plans to review selected problems from page 67, so I have posted selected answers in the Document folder.
I'm in the process of making the doc folder more organized by putting files into relevant folders. Check the chapter 1 folder for chapter 1 documents!